
The Components#

GPO Enforcement Logic#

So a GpLink is always on, even though it says that it is not enforced.

The above mentioned rules apply to most scenarios. - WMI Filtering - You can further filter down to where a GPO is applied using "WMI-Filtering". To for example only apply the GPO to Windows 7 machines, or stuff like that. - Security Filtering - Filters so that an a GPO is only applied to specific users or computers.

So who can edit a GPO? It is just a simple ACL as any ACL on any other object. You can specify that a specific GPO can be edited by a specific user or group. The user that can edit that GPO can thus takeover users or computers that that GPO is applied to.

How to exploit#

There are at least three different ways that an attacker can abuse GPOs to escalate privileges in a domain: - Who can create new GPOs in the domain. - Who can link GPOs to which OUs. - Who can modify existing GPOs (that may or may not be currently linked).

How to check for#

You will want to check for ACLs that are between a low privileged user and a GPO can controls a high privileged object, such as a computer or user.

This cypher-query will check for user that Own GPOs.

match path=allShortestPaths((u:User {admincount: false})-[r]->(g:GPO)) return path

Check the default group policy called Default Domain Controllers Policy. Check the setting for Allow Log On Locally. If this is set to, for example, Domain Users, everyone in the domain has the permission to physically log on to the Domain Controllers. So if you have physical access to the DC you can just log in with a Domain User account.

Also check Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services.

If you don't have physical access you might be able to log on using a VM console, if that is enabled on the Domain Controller, or using an ILO.

This issue has been documented by Sean Metcalf here:



Seminal blogpost by Will Shroeder (HarmJoy) A must-read written by Wald0

Map out all GPO:s with powerview:

  1. Check which GPOs i have write access to

First find out which users that have access.

grep "IdentityReference" gpoer.txt > ident.txt

grep -A 10 -i Autentiserade gpoer.txt
grep -A 10 -i "Domain users" gpoer.txt
  1. Check which computer those GPO:s controls If I can have write access to a GPO that is applied to

Inte är standardgrupper Vilka användare har write