Password in Active Directory attributes#

Inb order to search through users or objects you need to

Interesting attributes to search for, remember these can be for either computer or a user.


Other interesting might be


Using PowerView#

Get-DomainUser -Domain evilcorp.local -Properties samaccountname,comment,description,userpassword,unixuserpassword,unicodepwd,mssfu30password,admindescription,dbcspwd,lmpwdhistory,ntpwdhistory,supplementalcredentials -LDAPFilter '(|(comment=*)(description=*)(userpassword=*)(unixuserpassword=*)(unicodepwd=*)(mssfu30password=*)(admindescription=*)(dbcspwd=*)(lmpwdhistory=*)(ntpwdhistory=*)(supplementalcredentials=*))' | fl > C:\attributes.txt

Using ldap query#

ldapsearch -h evilcorp.local  -w SecretPassword  -b "dc=evilcorp,dc=local" -D "cn=Philip L,cn=users,dc=evilcorp,dc=local" "(|(userPassword=*)(UnixUserPassword=*)(unicodePwd=*)(msSFU30Password=*)(adminDescription=*)(lmpwdHistory=*)(nTPwdHistory=*)(supplementalCredentials=*))" userPassword unixUserPassword unicodePwd msSFU30Password adminDescription lmpwdHistory nTPwdHistory supplementalCredentials

These will generate a lot of results, and you will have to go through the result one by way, or just grep for relevant words. If the LDAP server has a maxsize of results to display, it will cap the response at that size. To get around that, and to not make mega-queries, your can set a size-limit, and then be promped to receive more.

If the response contains åäö the result is base64-encoded.

ldapsearch -E pr=500/prompt -h evilcorp.local  -w SecretPassword  -b "dc=evilcorp,dc=local" -D "cn=Philip L,cn=users,dc=evilcorp,dc=local" "(|(description=*)(comment=*)(info=*))" description comment info | tee results.txt 

grep -i 'pwd\|passw\|lösen\|losen\|somma\|vinter\|'

Or you can perform the search in the LDAP query itself:

ldapsearch -h evilcorp.local  -w SecretPassword  -b "dc=evilcorp,dc=local" -D "cn=Philip L,cn=users,dc=evilcorp,dc=local" "(|(description=*passw*)(description=*lösen*)(description=*losen*)(comment=*passw*)(comment=*lösen*)(comment=*losen*))"

Debugging problems#

If you receive this error it means that you are not allowed to authenticate to the LDAP server from your HOST.

additional info: 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09042A, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 531, v3839

On your AD users there exists an attribute called userWorkstations, this attribute specified from which workstations you are allowed to authenticate to the LDAP server. Since your linux-machines hostname is not among those specified in the userWorkstations attribute you are not allowed.

A possible workaround, that I have not tested but might work, is to change the hostname to a hostname that is specified in userWorkstations attribute of the user. This presents a catch22, because you need LDAP access to know which userWorksations are allowed.

Using Bloodhound and bash#

echo "match (a) return a.description;"  | /usr/share/neo4j/bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p <creds> --format plain  | sort -u 

Using ActiveDirectory module#

# This will only search for a specific OU
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Users OU,DC=hackdomain,DC=local" -Properties comment

# This will search for the whole domain
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "DC=hackdomain,DC=local" -Properties comment