Powershell - Active Directory#

Raw LDAP queries#

$searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$searcher.SearchRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://dc=....")
$searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
$searcher.Filter = "<ldap filter>"

foreach($result in $results) {
  $item = $results.Properties


Install active directory module and then

Import-Module activedirectory

Get information about users#

Below command retrieves information about administrator

Get-ADUser administrator

All users

Get-ADUser -filter "*"

Get informaton about computers#

All computers

Get-ADComputers -filter "*"

Get information about groups for a user#

Below command retrieves all groups for the administrator account

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity administrator

Get information abouts Access Control Lists Locally#

Get object information from local computer:


Get Security Descriptor for "C:\Windows"

Get-Acl C:\Windows

Get Security Descrpitor for log files starting with k in windows folder

Get-Acl -Path "C:\Windows\k*.log" 

Get Security Descriptor for Registry key

Get-Acl -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control" 

Get Security Descriptor for an object

Get-Acl -InputObject (Get-StorageSubsystem -Name S087)

Access control lists in an AD#

Get object information from AD: (Spawns a new shell). Running comands in this new location retrieves ifnroamtion from AD (like Get-Acl)

Import-Module activedirectory
set-location ad:
Get-ACL ...

Otherwise you can use the distinguished name with the active directory drive mount point as prefix:

Get-Acl "AD:\CN=qw...,DC=...."

Everything below is run after setting location to AD drive

Get ACL information by using distinguished name

Get-Acl "OU=aaa,DC=somedomain,DC=tld"
Get-Acl (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter "Name -eq 'aaa'")

Creates a table of permissions for the Organizational Unit aaa, in domain somedomain.tld

(Get-Acl (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter "Name -eq 'aaa'")).Access | Format-Table IdentityReference, AccessControlType -AutoSize

Add user to group#

Add-ADGroupMember <adgroup> <adprincipal>
Add-ADGroupMember SomeGroup SomUser

Active Directory Drive#

When loading the AD module, it creates an AD drive.

Set your working location to the AD drive (makes commands run in the AD context instead, like dir)

Set-Location ad:

Set your working location to a specific domain in the AD drive

Set-Location "dc=somedomain,dc=local"

Search AD objects by SID#

Get-ADObject -Filter "objectSid -eq 'S-1-5-321-...'"

Queriying trusted domains (i.e. not your current domain)#

Get-ADUser -Server other.domain.tld "username"

Get ACLs for objects in trusted domains#

New-PSDrive -Name AD2 -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Server other.domain.tld -root "//RootDSE/"
Get-ACL ("AD2:\\" + (Get-ADUser -Server other.domain.tld "username").DistinguishedName)


Retreives all permissions on object for a user, and eveyr permission with only a SID, it performs a lookup to check what these SIDs are

(Get-Acl "AD:\$((Get-ADUser vlad).DistinguishedName)").Acess | Where-Object { $_.IdentityReference -like "s-1-*" } | Foreach { Get-ADObject -Filter "objectSid -eq '$($_.IdentityReference)' }

GPO handling#

Retrieves all GPOs (Use -Domain to specify for a specific domain)

Get-GPO -All

Retreives all inherited GPOs for a domain or OU

Get-GPInheritance -Target "OU=aaa,DC=somedomain,DC=local" -Domain somedomain.local

Retrieves applied settings from a GPO named Test (Use -All for all GPOs)

Get-GPOReport -Name Test -ReportType [XML|HTML] -Path C:\GPOReports\test.html

Retreives all permissions for a GPO named Test

Get-GPPermissions -Name Test -All

Retreives the resultant set of policy applied to a user or computer, or both

Get-GPResultantSetofPolicy -Path C:\GPOReports\sop.xml -ReportType XML [-Computer <>] [-User <>]